It's another lovely week of running! The weather has been pretty perfect--a little windy, yes. Not too hot yet, which is a bit of a bummer during the rest of my life. Can I tell you how freaking cold it was at soccer tonight? For two hours? Holy cats, I was frozen.
But I digress. Yesterday, Tuesday, was a very pleasant six miles in the early morning. It's a bit disconcerting that it's so light out at 5:30AM. By the time I get home I'm in a near panic thinking it must be close to the time Christopher has to leave. I am not, however, complaining that it's lighter out in the morning. Just kinda wish the birds who have made a nest in our neighbors' eaves would SHUT THE CHIRPING UP FOR FIVE MINUTES AT 4AM!
Again, digress. The six was fantastic. Last mile was the fastest, which felt good. It's hard for me to run fast in the early morning; it always feels harder than it should, or harder than it feels later in the day. I don't know.
The six I did today was not so easy. I actually had to stop twice to regroup. The wind was assaulting me in three different directions and I think I just couldn't slow down. That happens, sometimes, where my brain tells the legs and lugs to slow down but they just . . . won't. Anyway, after the last, um, regrouping, the last 1.5 miles felt much better. Maybe I just need to meditate, or think less, or, whatever.
And, um, I wasn't going to do any races until the Fall, but I might have just agreed to do a half at the end of June. I am 100% positive it will just be for fun, so there's no pressure to go as fast as I possibly could. And I'd be doing it with my friend Elizabeth, who is a fantastic runner. We'll see.
Oh, there's another half in October I'm looking at, too. I think I need an intervention.
Run happy!
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