If it's Wednesday, you can pretty much guarantee the weather sucks.
My running schedule puts me at my parents' house on Wednesdays; they babysit my nephew every Wednesday and I bring my youngest son over to play. And, well, so I can run. But since the first of this year every SINGLE Wednesday has been just horrible, ridiculously awful weather.
Back throughout the winter there were a few (a FEW!) blizzards (PLURAL!) and, without fail, the worst of the weather would be on a Wednesday. One absurd Wednesday I ran at my inlaws; the snow was blowing both sideways and up from the ground, somehow. I ran straight into nearly gale-force winds, was blinded and continuously stung in the face by ice pellets, and basically wanted to find a sinkhole to swallow me on the spot. This spring has seen some impressive rainstorms, sometimes dropping an inch of rain. What day would you guess is ALWAYS raining? You are correct.
And if, by chance, the weather wasn't horrendous on a Wednesday, then one or both of my kids were sick.
I have learned quite a bit from running through all these shitty days this year. I'm not going to melt in the rain, I'm not going to blow away or get buried in the snow. There's always a reason NOT to run, and the perfect weather days are scarce. The only way the run's going to get done is to just get out there and do it. And while I feel like I should burn all my fleece-lined winter running gear after these past six months, I got out there, and I did it--and I continue to do it.
Today was no different from any other Wednesday. Mo had the day off so we planned to meet for coffee at 10. That meant I'd need to get Oliver and myself to my parents', run, shower, chit-chat and get back across town in about 90 minutes. I had everything perfectly timed and got to my parents' house . . . just as it started to pour. I had five and a half planned for this morning, and as I waited for the rain to abate, my perfectly-timed schedule started to erode. Fuck. I got out there, fired up the GPS and just went.
I only had time for five, and the rain let up just enough that I didn't get completely drenched. I let it rip for the last mile and felt GOOOOOOOD. Sometimes running fast just hits the spot. So I got it done today, didn't melt, and still made it in time for coffee.
Run happy.
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