Saturday, May 17, 2014

Long Saturday

I love my Saturday runs. Anywhere from an hour to two to maybe more of just me, my best friend, the pavement and the sky.

Often there is snow, wind or rain to accompany us, too. Not today, though!

Meet Mo:

Sweating along the shore of Lake Michigan. We ran together on a girls' weekend a few years ago.
Our friends thought we were nuts and slept it off slept in.
 Wait--we need another girls' weekend. 
She's the one in the glasses. We've been friends since high school but best friends since well after college. This is not the most flattering picture of either of us. Here, try this one:
Post Turkey Trot 2013. 
Well, who looks their picture-perfect best right after a sweaty summer run or a freezing 8K anyway, amirite?!

Anyway. We've been doing our Saturday long runs together for several years. It's really great way to stay connected, catch up every week, work out whatever emotional or stressful shit we have built up from the past six days. We did a nice eight this morning; the sky was blue and the wind was calm. We did have to bust out our running jackets since it was about 40 degrees. After being in the low 60s in the mornings all week.


It was lovely. We ran through a, um, blighted part of town. That part wasn't so lovely, but we did manage to find many hills in our otherwise relatively flat city. Go us.

We are going to dinner tonight with our husbands, both of whom are runners as well. Running, to me, is kind of like "Fight Club," in that the first rule of running is you DON'T TALK ABOUT RUNNING.

I'm sure we'll break that rule a few times tonight.

Run happy.

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