Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Freaking Cold

Damn, it's cold out there. I mean, it is January and all. But still, brr. Yesterday I got in an easyish six after a crazy, burpee-filled WOD. My back is a little wonky after Monday's workout, and after a half mile I thought I'd have to turn back. That, and the stinging, biting, freezing wind and snow directly in my face was giving me just the slightest pause.

But I stuck it out and eventually my back loosened up. By mile 2 I was pretty much in my groove again. 

Today looks even colder, windier and snowier. Trying to gear myself up for this. The plan is to do hill repeats, but Saturday we're heading to Chestnut Ridge, which is our hill destination around these parts. Maybe I'll do a mix of hills and easy. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Soaked to the Bone

I kind of love Sunday runs. They're the yin to the Saturday run's yang. Mellow, time to regroup and reflect on this whole process; simultaneously closing out a week of training while ushering in a new one. Wiping clean the slate of Saturday evening's transgressions.

It was fucking pouring out today, though. Just six, which turned into 6.5. Absolutely hideous torrential rain the entire time. My stupid yurbuds earbuds kept slipping out of my ears. Of course it stopped raining as soon as I turned onto my street. Ah well. I did it. Six and a half miles closer to Boston.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Long Saturday Yet Again

10 miles more! Ran today with my RBFF and real-life BFF Mo. We usuallydo our Saturdays together, leaving our houses at the same time and meeting in the middle. This time around I'd like to mix training plans a little. I had success with Hansons, but also ran my best half with Hal Higdon's advanced II program. 

That said, Mo and I ran the first 8.5 together at a leisurely pace. I ran the last 1.5 closer to marathon pace. Well, faster, actually. But I do think running faster when tired helps physically and mentally prepare one for those later marathon miles. I'm going to do the last 20-ish percent of every long run at pace (7:30) to see how I feel. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015, Bring It On!

Bet you thought I was gone, huh? 

Well, probably not since literally NO ONE reads this.

But here we are, January 1, 2015. A day, every year, when people around the world take a deep breath, put their dreams and hopes out in front of them, and jump in. Or at least try to. I do not make resolutions, but I do always try to keep improving.

This year I'm training for the Boaton Marathon. April 20 I'll be lining up in Hopkinton, and I can hardly believe it. I'm in week 3 of the Hanson's training program. I'm tweaking it a bit to better address my weaknesses and schedule. I'm also doing CrossFit workouts three times each week.

Today's run was a windy and cold six-miler, supposedly at pace. If I can run 26.2 in 7:30 miles, I'll be thrilled. It's a big goal, but I don't think it's impossible.

Maybe I do make resolutions.